
Showing posts from July, 2018

Why You Should Start Martial Arts Now

Why you should start Martial Arts I don’t enjoy running. I have come to this conclusion a very long time ago, and while I can force myself to lace up and hit the pavement it takes a tremendous amount of willpower in order to do so and it isn’t something I look forward to. I definitely enjoy the endorphin rush from a good long run however, I must be honest with myself and I would much rather do something I enjoy for exercise. Aside from the fun factor of training in Martial Arts for exercise, there are many other benefits that have gone overlooked by the general population. Psychological Benefits The foremost factor is fulfilling each and every aspect of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid above our basic human needs (Which training will help do as well!). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid After our physiological needs, such as air, water, food, and shelter comes our safety needs. Training in Martial Arts will not only boost your confidence by giving you the body

The Best Sparring Equipment for Muay Thai and Martial Arts sparring

The best equipment I have found for Martial Arts sparring Sparring in front of Sifu Richard Bustillo Through my Martial Arts practice, I have been through many pairs of sparring gear. Here are my personal favorites I use daily and recommend them to everyone I know for their durability, and reliability and just overall quality. Gloves For Boxing Gloves I will always stand behind Fairtex products, and specifically the BVG1 Breathable pair. The BVG1 is shorter than the Mexican Boxing line Fairtex offers, with a firm wrist strap that doubles as a wrist support and keeps your gloves in very nice shape. The breathable mesh near the palm of your hand allows for airflow during and outside of training, allowing you to further aerate your gear. I personally, like all Muay Thai practitioners own 16oz gloves but recommend lighter weights for smaller individuals or beginners. Shin Guards I have been through many pairs of Shinpads, and absolutely hate having to pause in the


Why we need to Relax more Relaxing in the mountains of Mai Chu, Vietnam Martial Artists are always trying to push the envelope in the pursuit of developing our mind, body, and spirit. In America as well as many other industrialized countries we have been groomed into overworking ourselves and idolizing this unhealthy work ethic. Yes, hard work breeds success but there must be a yin and yang to everything we do. There will always be outliers who need less sleep or rest than the majority of us, but even they require time to recharge. I have searched for a long time to find my own meaning of life, which I can share another time and realized we often think clearer in retrospect so why not take the advice from someone thinking back on their lifetime. I came across many articles and interviews of people on their deathbed or in hospice care who all shared a similar message which was that they wish they had spent more time doing the things they had enjoyed in life. Of course, they had

Why you should travel to Thailand to study, and not play

Muay Chaiya Class in Chiang Mai Why you should Study in Thailand Thailand is an amazing place to visit, even if you are like me and don’t drink or enjoy the nightlife. The Thai people are extremely fun, happy, respectful and share their culture at every chance they get. You’ll find many learning opportunities in the land of smiles, ranging from cooking classes, the conventional Muay Thai gyms, and the reason I went to Thailand Muay Chaiya if you search hard enough. I had the opportunity to take a few lessons with Kru Yhinn, a student of Kru Praeng in Chiang Mai Thailand during my visit and despite the heat and humidity had some of the best training of my life. The lessons are extremely structured, and generally has practitioners ascending through the ranks from a black belt (Yes! You start at a black belt) through gold. Kru Yhinn is an amazing instructor, and I was instantly able to see his ability in both instruction and fighting. If you aren’t familiar with Muay Chaiya, it

Danzan Ryu Japanese Jiu Jitsu

Sifu Richard Bustillo, and Professor Luke with our class Danzan Ryu Japanese Jiujitsu Danzan Ryu Jiu-Jitsu has an extremely special place for me being a Japanese martial art founded in the Hawaiian Islands with influences taken from numerous martial arts that the founder Henry ‘Seishiro’ Okazaki had been exposed to. Professor Okazaki was born in Japan and moved to Hilo, Hawaii where a few years later would be diagnosed with a lung disease thought to be tuberculosis. In order to combat his condition, he began training in Judo which he became completely captivated with and began training with all his being which would eventually lead to his symptoms disappearing. His studies would lead him through a number of different styles and eventually travel across Japan acquiring techniques and earning a Professorship in martial arts. Upon returning to Hawaii, Professor Okazaki would gather the techniques he had collected thus far to create his own system “Kodenkan” and his school “Danzan R

Books I wish I had read 20 years ago that have changed my life

A list of life-changing books I wish I had read 20 years ago My pursuit of Martial Arts has coincidingly launched an everlasting quest for personal development. Living in this amazing time of worldwide distribution, the internet and unrestricted access (for now) to the internet in the U.S. gives us the ability to information that previous generations never had access to. One of our distinctive abilities as human beings, whether we choose to or not, is the uncanny ability to learn from the mistakes of others and history. I believe one of the best mediums in order to take lessons from other successful or experienced individuals is through their publications and here is a list of such books that have completely changed my life. The Tao of Jeet Kune Do : Unbeknownst to many of his fans, Bruce Lee was an amazing philosopher which he Majored in at the University of Washington. Bruce Lee’s The Tao of Jeet Kune Do, meaning the way of Jeet Kune Do contains a plethora of quotes, persp

The Wing Chun way, and ultimately why you should try it.

The Wing Chun Way What is the Wing Chun way? When I first started Wing Chun, my Sifu, would joke, as he often does, that once he started Wing Chun it changed his life. He saw the world, all his actions in a different way, and started taking a minimalist approach to everything he did, attempting to complete every task in the most optimized manner. The Wing Chun way or mindset can be applied to many aspects of your life, and I believe it to be very effective. When our minds are loaded with unbearable amounts of stress, we revert to our instincts and habits. My Sifu told us that police officers are required to retrieve their empty shell casings having finished firing their rounds in the shooting range, however, this becomes routine (muscle memory) for some individuals. He mentioned an incident where, an officer involved in a shootout, was placed under such an extreme amount of stress that he instinctively went out of cover to retrieve his casings having emptied his magazine, leading

Words of wisdom to my younger self

Motorcycling across the country in Northern Vietnam Words and life advice to my younger self Like many of you, during my Highschool and College years I was hounded by the question “What do you want to do with your life?” or “What do you want to be when you grow up?”. I believe both of these questions to be terrible to impose on a developing mind because they instill the impression that you must choose a single path to follow which is not the case. I don’t blame the older generations who did not have the opportunities that we have today, however, I believe we should choose our words extremely careful when dealing with impressionable individuals even making a simple change by asking “What don’t you want to do when you grow up?” can make a world of difference. Having spent countless nights awake going over these thoughts in my mind I have yet to figure it out, but I am no longer worried as I will enjoy the journey regardless. As the columnist, Mary Schmich wrote, “Don't fee

The benefit of training injuries

The Benefits of getting injured during training Getting injuries during training is one of the worse things that can happen, especially if that injury prevents you from training for a prolonged period of time. I personally have had a rough past couple years sustaining a herniated disc, meniscus tear, injuring my shoulder, throwing sacroiliac joint out of place, ankle sprain, thumb sprain and neck injuries. I’ve been forced to take a ton of downtime recovering from these injuries and luckily as a younger man of 27 I still have some great regeneration, however, the downtime is all the more excruciating because I have so much energy. Bruce Lee suffered from a severely injured fourth sacral nerve in his lower spinal cord and was faced with 6 months of downtime. We have all heard stories of his amazing physique and can only imagine how terrible he must have felt having his passion taken away from him if even for a short period of time. Bruce Lee, although unknown to most people was an am

Why Wing Chun absolutely belongs in MMA

Wing Chun skills test against 13 attackers Why Wing Chun absolutely belongs in MMA I’ve seen Wing Chun catch a lot of negativity in recent years, largely in part due to misconceptions and misinformation about the art. As Bruce Lee said there exists within the Wing Chun lineages what he called “Classical Messes” meaning Sifu’s who adhere to their teachings vehemently unwilling to adapt and modify their systems relevancy. “Classical” Martial arts were created during a time when an extremely small portion of the population had any exposure or experience in the fighting arts and has seen a decline in effectiveness with martial arts or fighting becoming mainstream culture. With time comes change, which many traditional martial arts have neglected for the sake of tradition. If one is training for the aspects of art itself, discipline, and lessons which accompany martial arts this is not a problem. However, if self-defense is the primary reason for training in the art the art itself

Principles of Wing Chun

Hawaii Wing Chun Association Principles of Wing Chun What good is knowledge kept to ourselves? One of the alluring aspects of Wing Chun lies within its flexibility. There are of course specific techniques taught to beginners which must be drilled. However, as the skilled Wing Chun practitioner evolves, the art becomes evolves alongside them and becomes entirely their own while adhering to the principles. Be minimalistic : One should not make any excessive movements, or over pivot as a Wing Chun practitioner. Rules such as utilizing the closest weapon to the closest target fall under this principle, as well as not chambering strikes in fear of wasting time. Think of the kick we do not bring our kicking leg back, but instead take the quickest possible route to its closest target, striking vulnerable points, and gain distance following the kick. Utilize the gates principal : Our body parts are surrounded by boxes, one for the head, torso, and legs respectively. Our hands

Amazing Life advice from the most interesting people I’ve met

Meditating in Thailand 3D Art Museum Amazing Life Advice from the most interesting people I've met so far. As a Martial Artist, I am constantly seeking growth and love learning from other people. I enjoy engaging  in meaningful conversation with the amazing people I have met throughout my life so far and get at least a single piece of life advice from them. I have taken these messages to heart and have been changed for the better by meeting these incredible people and listening to their words. I believe it has had such a positive influence on myself that I wish to share a few messages with you. Realize that progress and growth are three dimensional A great passion of mine has always been learning new things and with any new skill, a beginner is able to clearly see the fruition of their efforts and feel confident in their time spent in practice. However, when you begin to gather skill and master the basics it is easy to forget those feelings you have accumulated and be

The Best Shoes for Traditional Martial Arts Today

The Best Shoes for Martial Artists Since we can't be barefoot our entire lives, you will need to find a good pair of shoes that will serve multiple purposes and last a long time. I have personally been through many different shoes and these are the best I have found. Without a doubt, I would recommend the FeiYue Kung Fu shoes as my first choice. These are the go-to shoes for Wushu practitioners, some wrestlers, and Parkour / Free runners. These have very minimal padding and support at the base, allowing for a natural feel and flexing of the foot arch. If you've run in Vibrams or a similar shoe, you'll be right at home running in these otherwise, I'd recommend a pair of solid running shoes (see the recommendation below for my favorite pair). I personally own these and use them daily for everything, and they are cheap enough to replace every couple of years if you wear out the soles from pivoting. FeiYue Kung Fu Shoes The next pair of shoes I would recommend