What sports and competition martial arts are missing

Professor Samuel Luke
Professor Samuel Luke and I
What you will only learn in traditional Martial Arts

Once upon a time, a century or so ago, when access to education was sparse the martial arts were not only a way for one to obtain exercise, extended family, and self-defense skills but, also to obtain an education. Professors were called such for their ability to instruct on more than just defensive skills and curriculums would often contain lesson plans, homework, and testing in addition to the belting systems. For example, the Kenpo system would assign outside homework to their students containing subjects such as the central nervous system and human anatomy. In Danzan Ryu we require students to submit essays during belt testing and also learn about the anatomy of the body. Wushu requires the complete perfection of various forms and intricate movements which takes an amazing amount of diligent practice and effort to perform.

What we pass as Martial Arts today are merely sports systems which are shells of their predecessors and lack so much teaching of the core values we need in this day and age. The art of Japanese JuJitsu teaches a complete fighting system which when modernized are very relevant today in every range. However, in addition to this, the art makes it a point to teach its students discipline, honor and respect and necessary values such as violence is never the answer. This is one of the key components of the Esoteric Principles of Danzan Ryu Jiu Jitsu which one of my instructors, Professor Luke was so willing to share with the world. Too often we see unnecessary fights breaking out in elementary or high schools which end in irreversible damage done to one of these children. No child should be put through a traumatic life-changing event for the fault of their upbringing or psychological issue going unnoticed, and while there are times when children should stand up for themselves there are equally as many times when self-control and restraint must be exercised while managing to send a clear message. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers a clear path to controlled violence, giving the aggressor a clear out by tapping and submitting defeat. However, I have personally witnessed children screaming clearly defeated with the BJJ practitioner deciding to continue applying pressure until a bone is broken. This is absolutely not okay, and should never be the goal in an altercation in which a life is clearly unthreatened.

One of the main reasons I personally sought out Muay Chaiya and Japanese Jiu Jitsu schools are for the clear lack of discipline involved in the training of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Instruction is centered around competition while lacking focus on developing individual students and more often in recent times focused on driving a profit while mystifying techniques and offering pieces of a larger puzzle. I don’t mean to target any Art in particular, there are many other offenders throughout the world, however, I have the most personal experience within the aforementioned arts. I hope someday soon we can redraw the focus of Martial Arts to personal development in order to become better people and teach our children the values which are so lacking in society today. Remember, if you grow up to hate the world or people, you’ve either helped shaped it personally or the individuals who now run it.


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